Things haven't gone exactly according to plan for Patrick Jane…unless
his plan was to spend three months in a Federal detention suite.
Below, TV Fanatic Christine Orlando is joined by The Mentalist
fans Entwife, Neha, and Foresti Purge to discuss their thoughts on
Agent Kim Fischer and whether or not they'd get a psychic reading from
Patrick Jane.
Ready to jump in and discuss The Mentalist Season 6 Episode 10?
Were you surprised by the three month time jump with Jane in detention and Lisbon back in Washington state?
Entwife: I have to say I was completely shocked by this! Two
years and now three months. And in isolation? Not allowed to get
Lisbon's letters? I was more than surprised. I was angry. I thought it
was cruel. Abbott and Fischer were trying to make his life as painful as
possible in order to get him to accept indentured servitude with the
FBI. I thought it was sickening.
Neha: I was surprised, yes. I was expecting the episode to
begin with them fighting Abbott on his 'list'. It does go to show how
much he wanted to work with Lisbon though, if he is willing to wait that
long and not break out.
Foresti Purge: Nope. It would have been too unrealistic if the FBI changes its mind overnight.
Christine: I wasn't expecting it but it does show that
Abbott's no push over. He just didn't know who he was dealing with.
Isolation doesn't bother Jane if he can have a comfy place to sit and
his tea.

What are your thoughts so far on Agent Kim Fischer?
Entwife: I thoroughly dislike her. She is a cold manipulator
and has no feeling for Jane except how to turn him into a tool for the
FBI, her tool. She is a bully, in my opinion, harsh, and the end seems
to perfectly justify the means to her. That FBI scene is full of cold,
grim people!
Neha: Agent Fisher is a good character and I like the
chemistry between Jane and her, but I don't know what the point of
introducing her as a regular is. Maybe we'll find out later in the
season. So far though she's just like a side act for me, like it really
wouldn't matter if she wasn't around.
Foresti Purge: Poor woman. She thought she had Jane under
control, when of course all of us know she didn't. I look forward to
seeing how she manages Jane from now on, though. Managing Jane isn't
impossible; Hightower once had succeeded at forcing Jane to respect her
terms. I want to see how Fischer and Abbott deal with him.
Christine: Jane needs a foil and now he has two in Abbott and
Fischer. Jane is obviously nothing she expected and he's enjoying toying
with her. I also like how Cho put her in her place when he berated a
team member for losing Jane. I'm not attached to her yet but it could be
entertaining to see how they all interact going forward.
Did you think Jane had really broken Bertram's code?
Entwife: I thought he had for sure. And, I thought Abbott
really reacted to Jane telling him he had names of corrupt law
enforcement all over the country. It made me think he might be dirty
himself. How awful would that be, for them to be working under yet
another corrupt boss? Well, I'm sure that plot development is waaaaaay
down the road. But interesting.
Neha: No, I knew there was a fair chance he was bluffing, but
you never know with Jane anymore. When he told Lisbon though, it gave
me this great feeling I used to get in the earlier seasons when he put
up an act like that.
Foresti Purge: I did. This is Jane, after all. Patrick Jane
never tells the truth when a lie will do. If he said he hadn't, it can
only mean he had.
Christine: I really thought he'd done it. I can only imagine
what Abbott's reaction will be when he realizes he's been played but
maybe by then Jane will have really cracked the code.
Would you want a psychic reading from Patrick Jane?
Entwife: Sure! It would be fun! I'm sure he would blow my
mind! And I'd already know it was a fake psychic reading, so I could
just enjoy the fun.
Neha: Of course I would, even if I don't believe in psychics. It would be so entertaining!
Foresti Purge: Me? Nah. Like Jane, I don't believe in such things.
Christine: I don't believe but I'm fascinated by the con when
it's done well and it would be such fun to see how well Jane could pull
it off. I'm all in.
Weigh in on Jane's beard. Keep it or shave it?
Entwife: I love the way it looks in the sunlight, so bright and pretty
with his hair. The way he is now, it sort of makes him look more scruffy
than anything. I'd kind of like him to shave it off and see his pretty
smooth skin instead. I think it would make him look younger, and more
ruggedly handsome even with the weathering.
Neha: I would say, keep the beard, loose the wrinkled suit. I mean,
haven't we had enough of his hobo look already? I mean, it's hot and all
In a "I am trying to figure my life out" kinda way, but I think I miss
his vest.
Foresti Purge: Absolutely keep it. He looks rougher like that. You know, more like a free man.
Christine: I usually don't like beards but I'm a fan of this scruffy
look on Jane. I keep waiting for Lisbon to reach out and touch it!
What was your favorite scene?
Entwife: The conversation between them on the airplane where
Lisbon stood up for herself that she wouldn't allow Jane to take over
her life at his whim. Her words about him not being in her life for two
years really cut him and she felt bad for it, especially in light of his
letters. But letters are not being there. She curbed and cuffed him and
he accepted it. It was sad and hurt to watch, but it's the deepening of
their relationship that I've been looking for, and I can't wait to see
Neha: I am a Lisbon fan, so the airplane scene where she
finally tells him how self absorbed he has been, has to be my favorite. I
think, that is the only real conversation they have had since his
return. There was also that conversation between Cho and Fisher, about
Jane. And that Cho scene about the road runner, I love Cho!
Foresti Purge: In hindsight, my favorite scene is when Jane
asked $20 from Lisbon. Think: Who needs $20 for a hot dog? That's when I
realized he's been planning his escape all along. He needs that much
money to buy pen, stamp, envelope, and spray paint. When I rewatched the
scene, I was absolutely impressed--this man is a genius!
Christine: As much as I loved Lisbon finally telling him off
on the plane, my favorite scene was at the end. Jane just radiated joy
when Lisbon told him she'd be taking the job with the FBI and they'd
work together. And his reaction to the socks was incredibly sweet. It
just had me wishing we didn't have to wait until January 5th to see
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