May 5, 2014

Don't Believe Your Own Con (6x20, Review)

Agent Abbott called Jane out on The Mentalist Season 6 Episode 20 when he asked him, "How long are you going to let that go?"

Jane's been conning himself, although he may not have realized it until now. He continues to repeat that he only wants Teresa to be happy and as certain as I am that that is true, if she were to move on without him he would obviously be miserable.

Even Abbott can see that.

But Jane isn't one to wear his heart on his sleeve and neither is Lisbon. I'm not even sure either one of them is being completely honest with themselves about their feelings.

When Jane brought Lisbon coffee, he told her he didn't want her to go to D.C. but then quickly covered up his feelings by telling her he was afraid she'd be bored. The disappointment rolled off of Lisbon in waves.

Then there was Operation Jury Scam. First, there was Teresa's obvious concern at having Jane facing murder charges once again and her anger toward the prosecutor when she told the woman to go to hell during questioning.

Worse was finding out that it was all a con, or as Jane pointed out, a sting. Actually, he seemed quite disappointed that Lisbon didn't recognize the difference. But Lisbon was most upset about being shut out and lied to as she railed at Jane in this The Mentalist quote…

Since when am I a target of one of your cons?
- Lisbon

She wasn't just upset, she was furious and hurt. When she finally apologized for going off on him, Jane asked if Marcus had helped her decide she was wrong and that's when I knew we might get some honesty out of this conversation and it led to this…

Jane: I love that you're predictable.
Lisbon: Just what a girl wants to hear.
Jane: What does a girl want to hear?
Lisbon: I wish I knew.
They both looked so confused and so sad. If only the expensive bottle of wine would have helped.

Speaking of which, kudos to Abbott. If I doubted that he was a Jane/Lisbon shipper before I no longer do. He's doing everything he can to push these two to be honest with one another. The problem is, I don't think they're even being honest with themselves just yet.

As for the case of the week, the mobster and the grand jury tampering was sort of dull, other than it gave Jane and Lisbon an Italian dinner to work out their issues. I also felt a bit cheated when Fischer was shot.

I know it was only in the vest but if they were going to have an agent take a bullet, it felt like they should have spent more than ten seconds on the event.

I was happy that the human smuggling investigation continued. The moment Cho unearthed the blood tests and the heart tattoos I figured it was connected with organ harvesting. What I still can't figure out is why Daniella was left behind.

One moment she seems completely genuine and the next I'm wondering if she's somehow involved. I really can't tell which it is.

Finally, Jane found the courage to knock on Lisbon's door. We can only assume he wanted to talk to her about her future over some cannoli. What he wasn't expecting was to find Marcus Pike answering.

I don't believe that Lisbon loves Marcus but he is everything she thinks she wants…or should want. Whenever Marcus tells her things like, "I'll be here," it feeds into her insecurity about Jane because too many times in the past Jane hasn't been there. He's lied to her and run off and left her in the dark.

Yes, he' s had his reasons but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

So I was proud of Teresa that she just didn't let Jane walk away, that she stopped him and pushed for the real reason that he'd come to her door. Patrick's response was heart breaking…

I really want you to be happy and that is the most important thing for me that you do what makes you happy. Okay?

Patrick wants her to be happy. Lisbon wants to be happy. Then why do both of them look so darn miserable? Hopefully they'll figure that out before the season ends.


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